But sadly, some misinterpret the Way of the Heart as if it means to just follow your impulses and whims, do anything 'that feels right'. Impulses often masquerade as intuitions – they aren’t authentic promptings of the Spirit. So, here is a tried-and-tested method in the Way of the Heart.
And you will experience the embrace of this ineffable Loving – an embrace by this kindness that gradually fills everything - endless and forever. So jus let go and rest in that Presence.
And after a while (no longer than 15 minutes), retrace your steps, turning your attention outwards. Bringing your focus back to your breathing ... then, open your eyes, and re-engage with the outer world.
At first this practice starts out as imagination, with moments of transcendence - but after a little practice it will truly exist. This spiritual exercise is a great blessing: coming to know that, wherever you are, you only have to turn within, to partake of the immensity of that unconditional Love.