
The Heart-of-Hearts

The Heart-of-Hearts

Many Wisdom-traditions speak of the 'Way of the Heart'. It is a deeply profound way to grow and evolve. It has different names in the various traditions: the Inner Light, the Blazing Lamp, Temple-of-the-Heart, the Central Stillness - to name just a few. 

But sadly, some  misinterpret the Way of the Heart as if it means to just follow your impulses and whims, do anything 'that feels right'. Impulses often masquerade as intuitions – they aren’t authentic promptings of the Spirit. So, here is a tried-and-tested method in the Way of the Heart.

Begin with slow breathing. Relax, and let go of any concerns for the time being - and now gently turn inwards. ‘See’ a lit path into that place within and beyond, the physical heart.

Once within your inner chamber, gently open yourself to the Divine Indwelling. Just simply wait - patient and silent, without any force. There is no visualisation of God - no He, no She - but a Presence that is beyond gender, or race, or religion – Transcendence. It is a warmth, a light, a core of endless Love - which asks for nothing in return, but to accept it. It is an incredible Benevolence - close and intimate.


And you will experience the embrace of this ineffable Loving – an embrace by this kindness that gradually fills everything - endless and forever. So jus let go and rest in that Presence.

 And after a while (no longer than 15 minutes), retrace your steps, turning your attention outwards. Bringing your focus back to your breathing ... then, open your eyes, and re-engage with the outer world.

 At first this practice starts out as imagination, with moments of transcendence - but after a little practice it will truly exist. This spiritual exercise is a great blessing: coming to know that, wherever you are, you only have to turn within, to partake of the immensity of that unconditional Love.

from the weekly Letter toYour Spirit by DG



Spiritual Tides of Ebb & Flow