

Trying a mind-to-mind communion with a mountain...
Or, with the dryad of a Sequoia (a Redwood) tree...
Or mentally melding with a star. 
All of these things do stretch our minds, our consciousness. They challenge our sense of self. Yet, patiently done, it does expand our consciousness, giving us a greater capacity to embrace and appreciate. 
We develop a vaster sense of what sentience truly is. But it takes much practice.
 This being the case, it's not surprising that we feel unable to commune with the Vast Mystery "with the Transcendent Greatness" that is usually called "God". Because we're told but it is unimaginably vast, omnipresent and everywhere! The truth is we cannot wrap our minds around that. After all, a 3,200 year old Redwood tree is challenging enough.  
But please do not be downcast, because although the Great Mystery is vast indeed - it is also within, inside you right now.  
So you don't even need to stretch your mind, just turn Within.
“Can a Lobster teach us Spiritual Truths?”
Spiritual Flying Lessons