Astrology Part 2

Astrology Part 2

The Gnostics portrayed the seven planets as beings who oppose us. Yet beyond the planets is the Ineffable Greatness - the Transcendence, that is the everlasting and divine nature of every person. They symbolized this "ONE beyond the Seven" by the Eight-pointed Star.
And in a certain sense this is true. As an esoteric text puts it:  each planet has a "spirit" that is harmful, and an "angel" who is good. In other words, the effect of a planet upon us - for good or ill - depends upon whether we are conscious of it or not.
Let me give an example:
I find myself experiencing more energy than usual. And with this comes increased irritability. I'm being less patient, and intolerant. Noticing this, I scan the world news - and see that there is more tension in international affairs.  So I look at the Ephemeris (a table of planetary positions, that's free online) - and sure enough it shows that Mars is - either retrograde (moving backwards) - or it is in tense opposition to other planets. What to do? Well, I could just be an unconscious conduit for the red planet Mars in its present negative aspect. In other words, I could let Mars "compel" me - and then, in all likelihood, reap the suffering that it invariably brings. Or, I could "master my stars"  by harnessing my inner Mars. How? I look around for a constructive outlet into which I can pour all my surplus energy that is sloshing around in my psyche. "Ah, those cupboards need emptying out and cleaning." Or, "Time to put up those shelves." Or, "Okay, let's start a new exercise regime. There is another image from Gnostic sources that is as a constructive reminder. It shows a classical figure driving a chariot drawn by seven horses. Each horse is one of the planets. The person who "rules their stars" harnesses their response to planetary influences  and makes them into a strong team. And thus by using their combined energy the driver taken they want to go. The skillful use of planetary energy assists the drive to achieve their goal.
So remember, the stars may incline - but NOT compel !
Astrology - Part 1