Tree of Sapphires Book (First Edition)
David Goddard's Tree of Sapphires offers students of the occult a working knowledge of the Qabalah; sharing with them this key to unlocking the Western Mystery Tradition. Avoiding heavy theories about Qabalah, Goddard offers exercises, meditations, and visualizations to help readers gain direct experience of the Qabalistic Tree-of-Life. He explains that the Qabalah is the root source of all Western esoteric traditions -- Hermetic, Gnostic, and Rosicrucian - as well as the more modern Western systems, such as Alchemy, Tarot, Angelology, and Ritual magic.
Tree of Sapphires is an experiential guidebook. Western Qabalah "... is a synthesis that is strong in its spiritual armory and rich in its mystical treasury," Goddard writes. "It has inherited many formulae and techniques that make it versatile and adaptable to most life in situations ... Its roots draw from the primordial past but it has proven throughout history its adaptability to give to successive generations first-hand knowledge ... The Qabalah is a tried-and-tested way by which dedicated folk can grow into their full potential - as consciously eternal beings." And through the experiential and theoretical contents of this book Goddard teaches us how to do just that.